BC COVID-19 SPEAK Round 2 Survey

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For more details about the SPEAK Round 2 Survey, please visit: BC Centre for Disease Control
The B.C. COVID-19 SPEAK Survey is now open. Take the survey and tell us how you are doing and help B.C. recover.
Last year, almost 400,000 British Columbians took the time to participate in a public health survey. We called it BC COVID-19 SPEAK: Your story, our future and it provided valuable information about how British Columbians experienced the first wave of the pandemic.
We are now launching BC COVID-19 SPEAK Round 2. We’re over a year into the pandemic and once again we are asking you to tell us how you are doing. It’s been a tough year and everyone has been impacted in different ways. With COVID-19 vaccinations underway, it is time to think about our recovery and how we can support you through this next phase.
The survey will address four key areas:
  1. Life during the pandemic: How your behaviours and experiences have changed over the course of the pandemic
  2. Vaccines: What barriers exist to accessing vaccines
  3. Innovation and adaptation: How have things changed around you and how have these changes impacted you?
  4. Recovery: What supports are needed to help you through our recovery from the pandemic?
Please use the latest web browsers for optimal experience. The survey will be open for about four weeks.