Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Get Help With My Worker’s Claim?

Many workers have come to my office needing assistance with their Worker’s Compensation Claims.  Often these claims can be very complex, and WCB has very strict timelines for appeal.  Here are a few resources that may be able to assist you.

Worker’s Advisor’s Office – This office provides a free service independent from Worksafe BC.  They can assist you in understanding policies and procedures around Worker’s Compensation claims, and help you in appealing a WCB decision through the review division and WCAT.  1-800-663-4261.

Trade Unions – If you are part of a union, your union can be a very helpful advocate to ensure your rights are upheld.  Many unions can assist workers through the two levels of WCB’s appeal process. Your union’s representatives can help support you through these stages.

Legal Services – There is always an option to obtain a lawyer to represent you through your appeal.  If you cannot afford one, here is a list of low cost and free legal services, which can be found on the website of the Canadian Bar Association BC Branch.

Ombudsperson – The Ombudsperson receives inquiries and complaints about the practices and services provided by public agencies. While not an advocate, the Ombudsperson can conduct impartial and confidential investigations to determine if a public agency such as WCB is being fair to the people it serves.

What Are Medical Services Plan and Premium Assistance?

Medical Services Plan (MSP) Premiums were eliminated as of January 1, 2020. For more information about Retroactive Premium Assistance, go to Retroactive Premium Assistance.

MSP supplementary benefits provide partial payment for certain medical services obtained in British Columbia. For more information, go to Supplementary Benefits.

If you have questions about enrolling in MSP, cancelling Coverage or applying for Supplementary Benefits, contact Health Insurance BC.

Lower Mainland: 604 683-7151
Elsewhere in B.C.: 1 800 663-7100

Health Insurance BC
PO Box 9035 St Prov Govt
Victoria, BC  V8W 9E3

Pharmacare – What is Special Authority?

We all know that medications not fully covered under Pharmacare can be costly.  A Special Authority grants full benefit status to a medication that would otherwise be a partial benefit or a limited coverage drug. Actual coverage is based on the patient’s eligibility and deductible criteria. Coverage is based on the Low Cost Alternative Drug Program, Maximum Days’ Supply, and Maximum Pricing Policy.

Special Authorities are granted for a specific drug for an individual patient. In rare cases, however, a Special Authority exemption may be granted to a physician or physician specialty group. These exemptions provide coverage of specific drugs for all the patients of a physician or specialty group.

To find out more whether a drug is eligible for special authority, you can go on the Pharmacare’s website: